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West Wallsend SFC



Formed in May 1891 by mainly Scottish coalminers who had settled in the area to find work in the newly opened mines of the district. That year they participated in a six-team badge series. The first competitive game occurred on the 30th of April 1892 at Johnston Park before a crowd of 1200 people against Adamstown Rosebuds. The result was a 2-2 draw and the match was celebrated with a banquet at Johnston's Hotel (now the Museum Hotel).

During the 2024 NL1 League season, the club will field teams in 13s, 14s, 15s, 16s, 18s, Reserve Grade and 1st Grade. West Wallsend will also field Junior Development League (JDL) teams in the 9s, 10s, 11s and 12s Grades.

2024 First Grade Head Coach: Bailey Cox 2024 First Grade Coaching Staff: Kane Goodchild 

2024 Senior Coaching Staff: Bailey Cox, Kane Goodchild and Lachlan Shrume 

Club President: Mark McMellon

Treasurer: Warren Crowfoot

Secretary: Kristy Pryce

Registrar: Jody Walmsley

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